How it works: Physical Therapy
It can easily support weights over 300 lbs. and can be used to lift patients who otherwise are not able to lift themselves. The equipment takes a patient’s body weight off, but allows the patient to walk and move freely. Its ability to remove pressure from the spine is equivalent to having patients doing pool exercises or receive mechanical traction. We combine this with a treadmill to enable patients to do strengthening and muscle building activities. The added security of the unweighted treadmill prevents potential falls and injuries by catching a patient, even if they were to stumble. This makes it perfect for elderly patients as well as patients with gait or balance issues. This is available at Embassy Oaks office only at this time. If you think you or a loved one could benefit from this service give us a call and speak with one of our physical therapist to learn more.
Helps treat
- Posture Problems
- Disc Herniations
- Degenerative joint disease
- Back pain
- Leg pain (sciatic pain)
- Knee and ankle pain
- Lumbago
- Post op rehabilitation
- Gait training
- Balance issues
- Knee, hip, ankle strengthening/correction